If you are new to this activations library, please start your 3D to 5D journey using the activations on LEVEL I.
The activations on this LEVEL II contain higher frequencies for a deeper kind of energetic work compared to the activations of LEVEL I. Here, we delve into your emotional fields, and the emotional attachments, or blockages, that prevent you from moving forward in your 3D to 5D journey. We work on identifying and releasing the barriers that are separating you from Love.
Start listening to one or two activations at a time, and then add, or switch, to another one after you have worked with the previous activations for a minimum of three days.
Once you have worked for a minimum of five days on all LEVEL II activations, feel free to move to LEVEL III: GALACTIC ACTIVATIONS.
Listening frequency: Once a day, specially when needing to obtain clarity about a situation. Drink a glass of water after each time you listen to the activation to facilitate the flow of information.
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